Smart Leak Detectors
Upgrade Thayer Hirsh Upgrade Thayer Hirsh

Smart Leak Detectors

A lot of us have been there. A leaky faucet, a broken hose on a toilet, or the dreaded frozen pipe. Water can do a lot of damage, especially if you do not catch the leak immediately. According to HomeAdvisor, the average clean up costs for a leak is $3,120 - and this doesn't even cover the cost to fix the plumbing itself. At Knome, we’ve seen firsthand what happens when water runs unabated while a homeowner is away. In a recent case when a pipe burst, thousands of gallons of water filled the main floor ruining rugs, furniture, drywall and dozens of personal items. Getting the house back in order took about four months and tens of thousands of dollars. Sure insurance paid for most of it, but it was a major inconvenience, to say the least. I think we can all agree that unexpected leaks and flooding stink. Well, what can we do about it?

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